Sunday, August 30, 2009

so i cant sleep, therefore i shall rant.

so school for me starts in about eight days and i'm really nervous. normally i wouldnt be nervous because it's just school and what is there really to worry about? but i do worry about one thing in particular: ok so i did really well all year in US History, and only got one multiple choice question wrong on the regents, and so i decided to take AP Governmentfor my senior year in the hopes of getting into notre dame. well as it turns out there was an assignment for people talking AP government, we had to like read an entire text book and outline all the chapters. usually its only the AP US history kids who take the AP Government next year, so the teacher went into their class and gave them advice and passed out the books and stuff but because i wasnt in AP US, i never got the text book, so i cant do the assignment right?

but i dont want to sound all victimized like how could i do it without the book, so i was going to email the teacher and tell him, well now there's eight days until school starts and i think he would find it a little irresponsible that i'm starting so late. i really dont know what to do, and i would email the schedule lady and ask if i can drop AP Government, but i really want to take the class and she kind of scares the shit out of me.

ok because i didnt want to be a little whining bitch i decided to go to the teachers page and look at what needed to be done, there was the assignment that requires the book (cant do that one) but there are also some essays that, while the text book would help, i could probably just do based on stuff i find on the internet.

still i'm fucking screwed. whose idea was it to take AP? hahah oh yeah. mine.

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